Digital Marketing Agency | SEO & PPC Limerick | Identic Digital

Privacy Policy

The privacy policy implies our rights to your information and how we use it for your benefit. Identic Digital Media Limited always safeguards the users information to ensure top-notch confidentiality.

What Information Do We Collect?

To improve digital marketing tactics, Identical Digital carefully gathers important user data. This includes basic information like names, contact information, and how you browse the site. We collect and store all of your information only so that we can improve our digital marketing. We prioritize being open about how we collect data, so users know what's going on and can control what information is shared.

How Do We Process Your Information?

We are very careful and precise when we handle user data at Identical Digital. Our goal is to make marketing tactics more effective, improve the user experience, and keep making our services better. The goal of this processing is to make our campaigns as relevant and successful as possible. Following industry standards and safety rules ensures that user data is used responsibly and ethically throughout the whole processing lifecycle.

When And With Whom Do We Share Your Personal Information?

Personal information shared within Identical Digital is only used for marketing reasons. This helps our team work together and be more productive. External sharing with third parties is a strict process that can only happen with clear user consent. Sticking to legal and moral standards is something we will always do to protect user privacy. With this promise, we promise that any sharing with other parties will be done carefully, respecting users' choices and upholding our user-centered privacy policy.

What Is Our Outlook On Third-Party Websites?

When it comes to third-party websites that are related to our platform, we at Identical Digital are very careful. We don't agree with or take responsibility for how these outside sites handle your privacy. Users should read the privacy rules of every third-party website on their own to make smart choices and protect their privacy. This promise shows that we are serious about being open and giving users control over their internet lives.

Do We Use Cookies And Other Tracking Technologies?

Cookies and other tracking technologies are used by Identical Digital to improve the user experience, keep track of activity, and look at trends. Our approach is based on respecting users' privacy settings and compliance standards. This way, we can offer personalized content while also protecting users' privacy.

How Do We Handle Your Social Logins?

We offer social logins to make things easier for our users and make the experience safe and smooth. Access to more user data is only possible with clear permission, which stresses that users should have control over their data. We are committed to privacy and security in all of our interactions, and this method fits with that.

How Long Do We Keep Your Information?

Identical Digital only keeps user information for as long as it takes to meet business goals. In line with privacy and data security principles, data that is no longer needed is securely thrown away regularly. This methodical technique makes sure that data is managed responsibly and that users' privacy needs are met.

How Do We Keep Your Information Safe?

We use standard security measures in the business to keep user data safe from people who shouldn't have access to it. Our thorough security methods keep user information safe and secure at all times, as we remain devoted to safeguarding data and earning the trust of our users.

What Are Your Privacy Rights?

At Identical Digital, users still have important privacy rights. This includes the right to see personal information, have it changed, or ask for it to be deleted. We respect users' privacy choices and make it easy for them to make them by giving them clear ways to handle their preferences and have control over how their data is used. We promise to give people more power while still protecting their privacy and data.

But if you still have any questions, contact our support team for further help.

Postal Address:

Old Windmill Court, Lower Gerald Griffin St, Irishtown, Limerick


085 174 2572
